Aurox Group is a company with a vision to help young people adopt the mindset of saving and investing. We focus on providing an alternative for savings and economic income.

Our objective is to grow capital by investing in currencies, metals and indices made with brokers regulated by international financial entities.

But how did it all start?

Looking for an alternative to obtain extra income to eliminate and / or reduce the despair and frustration generated by having office hours, the lack of time to carry out our activities, and the few or no opportunities for job growth.

After all, life is to be enjoyed and taken by the horns!

It is for these reasons that we bring you this service, so that you don’t worry about thinking about how to get more money.


In the investment world, a bull is said to represent all those traders who carry out operations when market prices tend to be bullish. It is for this reason that they are given the similarity to bulls, since they attack their opponents from the bottom up.

Hand? For us, the fact of extending the thumb and little finger making the “shaka” sign represents the horns of a bull and all the positive things in life, as well as the peace and happiness that you get from knowing that while enjoying a beautiful sunset, you’re making your money grow.